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Why is cleaning, greening, and maintenance is at the heart of what we do?

You may have seen our consistent social posts or newsflashes about cleaning, greening, and maintenance (what we like to term CGM) work and projects done in our precinct. So why do we place such emphasis on these tasks?

We at the Ballito UIP believe in getting the small things done right to be able to get the big things done well. Focussing on the small tasks, such as picking up and bagging litter, removing graffiti, repairing paving, filling small potholes, repairing signage, removing illegal or expired posters, planting, and attending to all things landscaping and vegetation has a long-lasting positive effect on our precinct.

β€œThese small tasks all add up to having bigger impacts in our precincts. The effects include stemming urban decay, becoming attractive to current and future investments, clean and green environments allow for less littering and more binning, having a clean, lit-up precinct also adds to the safety characteristic of Ballito”, explained Jarrod Evans, Head of Northern Operations at UrbanMGT.

You may have come across our focus on the Small Things campaign over the past year in terms of cleaning, greening, and maintenance in the precinct. Some of the key CGM projects for the year thus far include:

Two very important maintenance projects that were completed by our BUIP team recently were the clean-up of the Ballito promenade and beaches after the high seas. Our team was quick to action and got the beaches as clean as possible and the promenade in working order again.

Additionally, the cleaning of the N2 on and off ramps project has made entering Ballito a pleasure with its immaculate aesthetic.

Moving forward into the new year we will focus on adding a few new gardens to the area and pruning trees throughout the precinct regularly.

We look forward to making Ballito a sought-after precinct in Africa, while not losing sight of the small yet meaningful tasks along the way!



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