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Update On The Fence Along The P445 In Baliito

Progress on the installation of Clearvu safety fence on the high traffic P445 in Ballito is on schedule to finish on Friday, the 1st of June 2018. The installation was planned to take place at night to reduce the impact on traffic, however intimidation by an unidentified group wanting to lay claim to the contract, has resulted in the UIP deciding to work during the day. The UIP has engaged with both SAPS and KDM, who have informed us that this is not an isolated incident in the KwaDukuza area and have supported our request for work to continue on this important pedestrian safety initiative during the day, and will provide law enforcement support if required. The UIP appeals for public patience during the installation period.

This safety fence is being installed along the centre island along the section of road from the M4 intersection to the McDonald’s intersection on Moffatt Drive in response to growing concerns and calls to address pedestrian safety and reduce the risk of fatalities in this area. This specific area is infamously known as a high-risk zone as the road is extremely busy and a place of constant accidents involving pedestrians. The project has been approved by the Provincial Road Department and the KwaDukuza Municipality.

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