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The Greater Ballito Community Support Unit (GB-CSU)

 The Greater Ballito Community Support Unit (GB-CSU), a task team of the Greater Ballito Operations Centre (GBOC), has been established to support, enable and assist Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in their plight to assist communities in need. The aim is to connect donors to beneficiaries through on-the-ground CBOs. 

 It is the intention to set up the GB-CSU as a Non-Profit Company (NPC) which will be independent of all existing structures to serve as an inclusive and neutral structure. The process of establishing the NPC, the MOI, and identifying suitable and qualified founding directors who serve in a voluntary capacity etc. needs to be carefully considered. Right now, however, there is not the time for this – response to the current food security imperative is the priority. Hence, as a stop-gap only, the Ballito UIP is serving as the credible NPC structure. Importantly a separate Trust Account has been established to fully account for finances.    

 If you are a potential donor, CBO needing support or wish to share your project so that it can be mapped and acknowledged (this also prevents duplication) please click HERE.

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