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Our heritage: Precincts that bind communities

From Table Mountain to the isiMangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa is certainly not short of world heritage sites. Similarly our public spaces are also filled with natural, cultural and historical gems that serve to bind our communities on common ground. Here’s a spotlight on areas that fall within some of our precincts for all to enjoy:

The Ballito promenade

Established in 1954, Ballito’s history is rooted in sugar farming and the exploits of the mighty Zulu King, Shaka. Originally a sleepy seaside resort, the area has flourished into one of the country’s most sought after lifestyle and business destinations. Its promenade, under the management of the Ballito UIP, undulates 2kms along beautiful beaches and rock pools and draws visitors from everywhere to enjoy the area’s top notch climate and fantastic year round holiday feels

The uMhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve and Sibaya Coastal Forest Reserve

uMhlanga Lagoon above

Sibaya Coastal Forest Reserve above

Just 26 hectares in size, the uMhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve can be found at the edge seaside resort, uMhlanga Rocks. A short walk down the beach and past the lagoon, it joins up with the neighbouring 300 hectare Sibaya Coastal Forest Reserve. Both reserves with their indigenous coastal forest, combined 6km stretch of coastline and host of fauna and flora attract sun, sea and nature lovers from all over greater Durban and further afield.

Riverhorse Valley Business Estate

Straddling the N2 highway between the Umgeni and KwaMashu highways, Riverhorse Valley Business Estate derives its name from the hippos that inhabited the nearby Sea Cow Lake in the 1800s. Now a key business and industrial node, the estate still boasts fantastic natural assets in the form of the Umhlangane river and flood plain, 37-hectare Huletts Bush and 26 hectares of public open spaces – all managed and maintained by the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate Management Association.

Cornubia and Bridge City

Both new developments, Bridge City and Cornubia Industrial Business Estate, have been purposefully created as mixed-use developments to serve and uplift the communities of Durban’s outer west. As official presidential projects, these projects form part of our heritage in their aim to leave a legacy for future generations to enjoy through robust socio-economic development.

Florida Road

With its centuries old buildings and iconic Edwardian and Victorian architecture, there are few areas in South Africa that emanate the same charm and nostalgia as Florida Road. Originally inhabited by elephants then a conduit for a tramway system, the road is now much loved for its multi-cultural good vibes and excellent restaurants, bars and stores. With the nearby Gordon Road, Jameson and Mitchell Parks, this is a true meeting point for people to enjoy Durban’s many natural, cultural and historical delights.

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