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Installation Of Median Safety Fence Along P445 Begins Today

In response to growing calls to address pedestrian safety along the busy P445 in Ballito, The Ballito Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP) will begin the installation of a 700m Clearvu safety fence on the center median along section of road from the M4 intersection to the Mc Donald’s intersection (Moffatt Drive).

Starting on 7th May 2018 at the BP end of the P445 with an expected completion date is 1st June 2018,
installation will take place at nightΒ to ensure as little inconvenience as possible. All landscaping in the area will be removed and reinstated one the job is complete.

The project was initiated by the Ballito UIP and was borne out of grave concern for pedestrian safety, particularly as it relates to the crossing of the P445. Approved by both the Provisional Road Department and the KwaDukuza Municipality, this fence is viewed as critical in reducing the risk of pedestrian fatalities. Click here to read more about the project.

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