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Beautifying Ballito with cleaning and greening

BUIP tree cutting

We’re thrilled to share the latest updates on the Ballito UIP’s ongoing efforts to enhance our precinct through cleaning and greening initiatives. Here’s a glimpse of the impactful work we’ve been undertaking:

Shower Renovation at Hawkins Carpark:
Recently, our team took on the task of renovating the showers at Hawkins Carpark, revitalizing the area and ensuring residents and visitors can enjoy clean and well-maintained facilities.

Bollard Repairs in the Business Park: We’ve prioritized the repair and straightening of bollards in the Business Park, improving safety and aesthetics for businesses and pedestrians alike.

Comprehensive Clean-Up Operations: A significant clean-up effort was executed around the Taxi rank and Shell area, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining cleanliness and orderliness throughout the precinct.

Proactive Pothole Repairs: In collaboration with contractors, we addressed major potholes to ensure smooth traffic flow. Our dedication to proactive maintenance ensures swift repairs where needed most.

Vegetation Pruning and Maintenance: Our team diligently pruned vegetation around the precinct, including opening signs, improving visibility, and accessibility for all.

Intensified Grass Cutting and Maintenance: We’ve ramped up efforts in grass cutting, edging, and sweeping activities to enhance the overall appearance of our community spaces.

BUIP tree cutting


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