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Rates Rebate Renewal Period

The Municipality has issued rates rebate renewal letters to be returned signed and commissioned to the Municipality by the 30th April 2019.

Rebates are provided to senior citizens, the medically boarded, people with disabilities and child-headed households.

Renewal letters will be posted to the relevant beneficiaries and no municipal employees will be visiting customers in their homes to assist with the completion of these forms, unless a prior request was made.

β€œCustomers are cautioned to exercise vigilance during this period, as many fall prey to criminals who pose as municipal officials offering assistance. There is also NO CHARGE for submitting these forms,” explains Peet du Plessis, Head of Revenue Management.

When forms are submitted, customers should insist on being issued with a signed and stamped Acknowledgment of Receipt as proof of submission.

Customers who have not responded by the 30th April 2019, will see their rebates lapse on the 30 June 2019 and will then have to reapply. All beneficiaries who do not receive renewal letters by 15 March 2019, should visit the Municipality offices with their Identity Documents or call 0800 311 11 11.

First-time applicants can download a rates rebate form online on http://www.durban.gov.za/Online_Tools/Pages/Online_Customer_Forms.aspx

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