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New litter booms for Ohlanga river

To stem the growing tide of waste from rivers to beaches, Durban Green Corridors has teamed up with Tri-Ecotours to install litter booms inside our rivers and most recently in the Ohlanga river which discharges into the sea between uMhlanga Rocks and Sibaya Coastal Precinct.

What is a litter boom?

A litter boom is a floating device installed at strategic locations along waterways to collect and retain floating litter, vegetation, and other debris. The litter collected mainly consists of waste products that have been incorrectly discarded and plant waste.

How many litter booms are there and where will they be placed?

Four litter booms were placed in the Ohlanga river in May. One was installed at the river mouth, one below the N2 bridge and two more near the Blackburn informal settlement on the western side of the N2.

Who services the litter booms?

Durban Green Corridors has contracted Tri-ecotours to service the booms. This entails monitoring them regularly and removing the rubbish to the KwaMashu Waste Beneficiation Centre (KMBC).

What happens to the waste once it’s removed?

The KMBC was established to repurpose plastic waste and encourage surrounding communities to collect plastic materials for financial incentives, a win-win for both the communities and the environment. The non-recyclable plastic and glass collected with no market value is used to make ocean pavers, a substitute for concrete pavers used for municipal public works projects. They can also be purchased by the public for domestic projects such as driveway paving.

How will the litter booms benefit our beaches, the environment and the people of Durban?

Non-biodegradable plastic pollution is toxic to marine and fresh water eco-systems and this negatively impacts the economy, particularly the fisheries and tourism sectors. The litter booms along with educating and incentivising communities in our catchment areas will help us keep plastic out of our waterways to ensure our environment and economy remains healthy.

How does the uMhlanga UIP help the litter boom project?

The uMhlanga UIP recognises the benefits of the litter boom project and supports and assists Durban Green Corridors where possible. The UIP Security team conduct inspections of the booms located in the Ohlanga river mouth while on patrol and notify Durban Green Corridors when these require clearing and repairs.




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