Our full management scope includes:
- UIP/Municipal Partnerships: Optimising Service Delivery and lobbying for investment in infrastructure.
- Supplementary services such as Security; Cleaning and Maintenance; and other special projects.
- Place-Making, Marketing and Communications.
- Social Investment and Environment.
UIP/Municipal Collaboration: Optimising Service Delivery
Optimising municipal service levels and lobbying for investment in infrastructure is a core focus of the management team. For this reason, the UIP conducts an audit of infrastructure faults: lights out, damaged signage, blocked sewers, potholes, etc. on a daily basis. The faults are reported through the municipal fault reporting call centre and, if relevant, a photo of the fault is emailed to the responsible person at the municipality. If it is an urgent matter, it is also followed up telephonically. Faults are logged on a UIP management system and followed up on a regular basis until repaired. For this reason a large proportion of the UIP management time is allocated to optimising municipal service delivery.
Supplementary Services: Safe and Secure
The UIP security provider is Fidelity, who were appointed in August 2023 after a tender process.
The UIP has a proactive approach to security, with the focus of identifying possible criminal intent before it occurs and taking corrective action. Building partnerships with the SAPS, KDM Protection Services Police and local community safety forums is critical in ensuring effective management. The UIP fulfils a vital role by integrating the various security entities and resources in the precinct which is led by the UIP Security Manager who is an integral part of the UIP management team and is not an employee of any security company. A key component of which is the UIP Monthly Environmental Security Forum attended by private security companies servicing UIP properties and property managers. The aim of the forum is to proactively improve the level of security in the UIP precincts through enhanced environmental management, integration, sharing intelligence, and ensuring operational assistance in emergencies. These meetings are minuted with a monthly UIP crime report and crime statistics provided for incidents reported to the UIP.
Supplementary Services: Clean and Maintained
The UIP has a team of cleaning and greening staff working on a rotation basis 7 a week from 06h00 to 18h00. The team, led by a supervisor, works in split shifts. Added to this, the UIP co-ordinates cleaning blitz operations where large groups of cleaners come in to undertake major clean-ups. These services do not replace those of the municipality, rather they are supplementary, with the objective of setting the service standards of public areas at levels expected of Ballito property and business owners. Besides day-to-day cleaning of public areas including streets, pavements and parks, and greening routines, which include grass cutting, watering and planter bed maintenance, the UIP is consistently working at improving the quality of public areas. In September 2015 Greenearth Landscapes was appointed as cleaning and landscaping service provider to the Ballito UIP, after an open call for quotations against a set specification. These quotes were presented to the UIP Steering Committee for review and discussion on which service providers, considering scoring and value add, would be the best fit for the Ballito UIP service requirements. Their performance is actively measured against a Service Level Agreement, which is amended as the needs of the precinct change. Maintenance and cleaning projects are captured in the monthly operational reports and focus on:
- General maintenance requirements to public area infrastructure
- Identifying and executing greening and beautification projects
- Removing graffiti
- Ensuring maintenance of pubic area signage
Special Projects
Over and above the daily services provided by the UIP, there has been a strong focus on visibly improving the look of Ballito in order to inspire confidence and trust in the UIP structure. To this end Special Projects are tackled as need and budget allows. These include:
- The P445 centre median fence.
- Inverters fitted to all four traffic lights.
- Gardens designed and planted at N2 entrance to Ballito.
- Gardens designed and planted at M4 entrance to Ballito.
- Revamp of the Old Taxi rank into a new park.
Marketing & Communication
Since its inception the UIP has recognized the importance of financial sustainability to service the growing demands of Ballito. The first priority is delivering the basics of a safe, clean and green Ballito and as this is achieved, so the marketing services will begin. This said, part of basic services is communicating with levy paying members, businesses and the broader local community through news bulletins , the website and the press. The focus is on telling the story about the value of the UIP by highlighting operational successes, UIP motivated infrastructure investment, and service delivery successes from partnering the KDM.